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A Recipe for Disaster

We’ve written a lot on this site about inflation and the effects Covid Lockdowns have had on money supply and supply-chains. But these issues just scrape the surface of how bad this 2022 recession is going to be. Cathie Wood recently came out and said we’re already in a recession – others are saying we’re

Shell to stop all Russian oil and gas purchases, apologizes for buying shipment after Ukraine invasion

[word_balloon id=”unset” src=”” size=”M” position=”L” radius=”true” name=”” balloon=”talk” balloon_shadow=”true”]

Sounds like a Russia-China tag team in the making.

Read More »Shell to stop all Russian oil and gas purchases, apologizes for buying shipment after Ukraine invasion

Putin Wins Even if the World Thinks He Didn’t

It doesn’t take a Master’s Degree in International Relations to see what’s happening here. Putin has the world convinced that he’s looking to conquer the entire country border to border – but he doesn’t have to. It’s no coincidence that the mass of Russian troop movements matches regions of predominantly Russian speakers and major natural